• Centre for Competitive Examination



The National Service Scheme (Unit no.151) of CM College of Arts and Science, along with Unit no.157, collectively boasts an active participation of almost 100 students. Since its inception, Unit no.151 has been dedicated to fostering a culture of social service among students. Through a range of programs designed to enrich the socio-cultural fabric of the locality, NSS in stills a sense of social responsibility in its participants. Activities such as leadership camps, workshops, blood donation drives, and social forestry initiatives are meticulously planned and executed to provide immediate benefits to society while shaping students into dedicated social advocates. Currently, over a hundred students from the institution are engaged in NSS activities. Participants are required to commit a minimum of 240 hours of service over two consecutive academic years and attend a seven-day special camp as part of their involvement in NSS.

Red Ribbon

Red Ribbon Club is a movement started by Govt.of India in schools and colleges, through which students will spread awareness on HIV/AIDS. It intended to instil charity mind among all the students to extend their able help towards developing healthy lifestyles, donating blood to all needy by promotion of regular voluntary blood donation.The Red Ribbon Club is functioning in our college in close association with National Service Scheme unit. Our Red Ribbon Club unit arranges mass blood donation programmes on selected dates, accepting blood units from all willing students and staff. It also arranges blood units for medical emergencies reported from various hospitals of the district. Every year on World AIDS Day (December 1) there will be special awareness programmes under RRC.

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